Friday, September 23, 2011

Make sure you utilise space well in large cupboards by using mini shelves ... you can find these in Bunnings, Ikea and Howards Storage World
One of the best ways to organise your cupboards is to eliminate anything from them that you haven't used in over a year... yes that means no hording lol... we all do it, but some more than most
You need to learn to catagorise what is junk and what is needed.
Anything you know you won't use put into a pile and then take it to your local charity so that others in need will have it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ok today I am going to start sharing with you my hints on how to be more organised...
  1. DON'T Try to do the whole house or office all at once... start with 1 small area first... this way you won't get so overwhelmed.
  2. DON'T go and buy containers and storage solutions until you have started to sought through and assess the area on which you are working on ... make sure you measure the space and decide what type of theme or area this should be..

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hi There and Welcome to my site.. on this Blog I hope to share hints and tips to Home and Office Organising, Self Management and Eco Friendly Systems... all though this is a Free site... I also can travel from Northern Rivers to the Gold Coast Areas to help with your Organising Needs... Initial Assessment is Free and quote given within 24 Hours...
HAPPY ORGANISING ALL... and may you have more time to do the things you want to do..