Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bathroom Organising

Bathroom Organising

Ok we all know it is hard to keep the bathroom completely clutter free when it is shared by many in the household but here are a few hints and tips that CAN help!

1. Pull out the contents of the cupboards and draws in the bathroom and get rid of anything that has been sitting unused for longer than 6 months....yes even those little moisturiser and other samples that you said you would use one day.
2. Create baskets or plastic containers for each member of the household for there personal items such as deodorant etc. Make sure they are aware that is there space in the cupboard or draw.
3. Don't keep anything unnecessary to the area. Eg. no cleaning products in the bathroom store them in the same area as your other cleaning products and get them out when needed.
4. Make sure you have a small cup for your toothpaste to sit in so that there is a designated area for it to live rather than being left on the side of the basin.
5. If you have 3 bottles of shampoo that have bits left that get pushed aside when the new one is opened then tip all the bits in together ... shampoo is shampoo it won't hurt to mix it and have one full container. Do the same for Conditioner etc.
6. Invest in a small spray bottle (they are about $1 from most supermarkets) and place 1/3 cup vinegar, 10 drops of your favourite essential oil then fill the rest up with water. Keep this either hanging in the shower to spray after each use or under sink for quick use. This will help keep mould away and make your bathroom smell like a resort.
7. Look at your colour scheme in the bathroom and see where you can brighten it up and make it feel inviting. Add a touch of greenery - you will be amazed what one plant can do in the bathroom. Ferns are a great option as they like to be inside and an environment of moisture.

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